Friday, December 30, 2011

This thing that makes me happy

Readers, a gift I received this Christmas is 50 classic Sci-Fi movies. When I saw the title of three of these, I knew I had to share it with the universe. I encourage you loyal readers to take to facebook, twitter, or to just share these with friends. Anyway, here are the titles:

1.Bride of the Gorilla
2.Santa Claus conquers the Martians 
3.White Pongo

Super 8 movie review

Hello readers! I am bringing a new segment to the blog which is movie and book reviews, and pop culture updates. The first movie review I am offering up is a review of the movie Super 8. This movie was written and directed by J.J. Abrams, and produced by Steven Spielberg. This movie takes place in the late 70's, with a cast of young, very talented actors. I really loved this movie except lets just say that the American Air-Force does not get the best portrayal in this movie. Other then that I just plain loved this film. It captured the feel of classic 70 type sci-fi movies and was just awesome. Highly recommended by me unless you are part of the American Air-Force or know someone in the American Air-Force. That's all for now folks, have a great New Year!