Monday, August 5, 2013

The Wolverine Movie review

Hey guys! Sorry that it has been so long, but here we are again. While in Boston for Boston Comic-Con I got to see the new marvel movie the Wolverine (After, not kidding here, about 20 minutes of movie previews)! Some quick facts on the movie before we get going: 1. This doesn't connect at all to X-Men origins: Wolverine except that Wolverine is in the movie. 2. This takes place after the events in X-Men 3 where Wolverine was forced to kill Jean to stop her from going Dark Phoenix on the world. 3. We are not given a specific amount of time difference between the movies but that's not really important. Now let's get into this. I personally thought that the movie was ok. But just ok. When we got into the movie showing Wolverine living in seclusion in the wild in Canada, I was excited. I was getting vibes from the fantastic Old Man Logan mini-series, and I felt we were seeing something deep and tortured. Like Old Man Logan he is trying to live a more peaceful life. But that lasted for all of 5 freakin minutes. He then jumped right back into his wild and violent ways. As the story progressed to Japan I lost a little bit of interest. My attention did get grabbed during a huge bombastic fight scene between Wolverine and some Japanese mob lackies on a 200 mph bullet train, but then I lost interest again. I felt the whole thing of him losing his powers was not interesting. I also felt the main villains weren't that interesting either. One being Viper, the other being the Silver Samurai. All told I think this movie was better than X-Men origins: Wolverine, but not the best Marvel movie of the lot. I would give this a 3.5 or maybe a 4 out of 5.

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