Thursday, July 28, 2011

Review of Watchmen

I am so sorry dear readers, that I could not keep up my promise to post a new review on Wednesday. I could not write a new post because I was with my grandparents picking up my uncle who had been in Australia for the last 11 months and 4 days. But enough about me, on to the review. Watchmen is a story that breaks the very limits of what a superhero story could be. Written by one of comics greatest writers Alan Moore, and illustrated by the talented Dave Gibbons. Watchmen takes a look at what it would really be like to be a superhero. With characters that range from the godlike Dr.Manhattan, to the vigilante Rorschach. Watchmen is packed full of colorful characters. I would recommend Watchmen to fans of Alan Moore and to fans of Dave Gibbons. Tomorrow: A review of Ronin

1 comment:

  1. I liked WATCHMEN. I bought every issue when the series first came out in comic book form. I never saw the movie though.
