Friday, July 20, 2012

Review of The Amazing Spider-Man Movie

Hello everybody! What I am reviewing today is the newest movie that has been released from Marvel Studios: The Amazing Spider-Man. Directed by Marc Webb and starring Andrew Garfield ( Social Network) as Spider-Man and Emma Stone ( Easy A) as Gwen Stacy. This movie is a kind of reboot of the Spider-Man universe after Sam Rami's Spider-Man trilogy. In my personal opinion this movie knocked it out of the park and I found it way more entertaining than the original trilogy. I also think that Andrew Garfield was a way better Spider-Man than Toby Maguire. ( Sorry Toby.) Emma Stone in my opinion did a great job of playing the love interest to Peter Parker. My hope for the continuation of this movie is that unlike the comic, Gwen Stacy does not die. Quick fact: In the comic, it was the classic spider-man villain the green goblin killed Gwen Stacy. My problems with the movie is that one, Uncle Ben does not say the classic line. Do I even need to say it? My other is I thought some scenes with the Lizard were a little overly played and felt a little like a horror movie from the 50's. But honestly, I think the pros out way the cons. I recommend this movie to fans of spider-man, and fans of all the marvel studios movies.

1 comment:

  1. I was not looking forward to the new SPIDER-MAN movie, but with each preview it looked better and better. Glad you liked it. I'll have to get to the movie theatre and see it too. After THE AVENGERS and BRAVE, I have learned that I should hang out til the very end of the titles!
