Sunday, July 8, 2012

Review of Batman: Earth One

This all new graphic novel released by DC comics is nothing short of great. Done in the style of Superman: Earth One, this graphic novel takes a whole new spin on the batman legend. The book has a almost Batman Year One feel to it in the way it tells of Batman's early years, when he is not yet the master sleuth and practically unparalleled combatant. A major difference this book has to the regular continuity is Batman is not out to stop crime, in fact in the first 10 pages Batman sees and does not stop a robbery. This Batman starts off in the story only wanting to solve his parents murder, and he is convinced that the corrupt Mayor Oswald Cobblepot (That name ring any bells?) has something to do with it. But Batman is not the only character who is giving a whole new take in the book, Alfred Pennyworth is not a traditional english butler, but a hardened war veteran who is the person who trained Bruce! But no more spoilers, the rest is up to you. The book is written by Geoff Johns, and illustrated by Gary Frank who's wonderful artwork can be found in the pages of Justice League in the Shazam! backup story. Recommend for well, everybody.

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