Monday, August 5, 2013

The Wolverine Movie review

Hey guys! Sorry that it has been so long, but here we are again. While in Boston for Boston Comic-Con I got to see the new marvel movie the Wolverine (After, not kidding here, about 20 minutes of movie previews)! Some quick facts on the movie before we get going: 1. This doesn't connect at all to X-Men origins: Wolverine except that Wolverine is in the movie. 2. This takes place after the events in X-Men 3 where Wolverine was forced to kill Jean to stop her from going Dark Phoenix on the world. 3. We are not given a specific amount of time difference between the movies but that's not really important. Now let's get into this. I personally thought that the movie was ok. But just ok. When we got into the movie showing Wolverine living in seclusion in the wild in Canada, I was excited. I was getting vibes from the fantastic Old Man Logan mini-series, and I felt we were seeing something deep and tortured. Like Old Man Logan he is trying to live a more peaceful life. But that lasted for all of 5 freakin minutes. He then jumped right back into his wild and violent ways. As the story progressed to Japan I lost a little bit of interest. My attention did get grabbed during a huge bombastic fight scene between Wolverine and some Japanese mob lackies on a 200 mph bullet train, but then I lost interest again. I felt the whole thing of him losing his powers was not interesting. I also felt the main villains weren't that interesting either. One being Viper, the other being the Silver Samurai. All told I think this movie was better than X-Men origins: Wolverine, but not the best Marvel movie of the lot. I would give this a 3.5 or maybe a 4 out of 5.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

News of a upcoming movie

Hello everybody! Today's post is breaking news. The next movie to come out of the line of dc animated movies ( and there are several reviews of a few of those movies in past posts of this blog) is none other than.... ( imagine a drum roll)... THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS!! This movie will be based off the hit dc graphic novel. ( and there is a review of graphic novel on this blog unless I am mistaken) This movie is actually only part 1 of 2 parts I believe. Which I guess means they might be splitting the 4 chapters of the graphic novel in two. Only my opinion though. For more on this movie go and find the post they did for the movie. They  have a trailer that shows some promise! Have fun and the next post will come soon.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Review of The Amazing Spider-Man Movie

Hello everybody! What I am reviewing today is the newest movie that has been released from Marvel Studios: The Amazing Spider-Man. Directed by Marc Webb and starring Andrew Garfield ( Social Network) as Spider-Man and Emma Stone ( Easy A) as Gwen Stacy. This movie is a kind of reboot of the Spider-Man universe after Sam Rami's Spider-Man trilogy. In my personal opinion this movie knocked it out of the park and I found it way more entertaining than the original trilogy. I also think that Andrew Garfield was a way better Spider-Man than Toby Maguire. ( Sorry Toby.) Emma Stone in my opinion did a great job of playing the love interest to Peter Parker. My hope for the continuation of this movie is that unlike the comic, Gwen Stacy does not die. Quick fact: In the comic, it was the classic spider-man villain the green goblin killed Gwen Stacy. My problems with the movie is that one, Uncle Ben does not say the classic line. Do I even need to say it? My other is I thought some scenes with the Lizard were a little overly played and felt a little like a horror movie from the 50's. But honestly, I think the pros out way the cons. I recommend this movie to fans of spider-man, and fans of all the marvel studios movies.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Review of Batman: Earth One

This all new graphic novel released by DC comics is nothing short of great. Done in the style of Superman: Earth One, this graphic novel takes a whole new spin on the batman legend. The book has a almost Batman Year One feel to it in the way it tells of Batman's early years, when he is not yet the master sleuth and practically unparalleled combatant. A major difference this book has to the regular continuity is Batman is not out to stop crime, in fact in the first 10 pages Batman sees and does not stop a robbery. This Batman starts off in the story only wanting to solve his parents murder, and he is convinced that the corrupt Mayor Oswald Cobblepot (That name ring any bells?) has something to do with it. But Batman is not the only character who is giving a whole new take in the book, Alfred Pennyworth is not a traditional english butler, but a hardened war veteran who is the person who trained Bruce! But no more spoilers, the rest is up to you. The book is written by Geoff Johns, and illustrated by Gary Frank who's wonderful artwork can be found in the pages of Justice League in the Shazam! backup story. Recommend for well, everybody.

Friday, December 30, 2011

This thing that makes me happy

Readers, a gift I received this Christmas is 50 classic Sci-Fi movies. When I saw the title of three of these, I knew I had to share it with the universe. I encourage you loyal readers to take to facebook, twitter, or to just share these with friends. Anyway, here are the titles:

1.Bride of the Gorilla
2.Santa Claus conquers the Martians 
3.White Pongo

Super 8 movie review

Hello readers! I am bringing a new segment to the blog which is movie and book reviews, and pop culture updates. The first movie review I am offering up is a review of the movie Super 8. This movie was written and directed by J.J. Abrams, and produced by Steven Spielberg. This movie takes place in the late 70's, with a cast of young, very talented actors. I really loved this movie except lets just say that the American Air-Force does not get the best portrayal in this movie. Other then that I just plain loved this film. It captured the feel of classic 70 type sci-fi movies and was just awesome. Highly recommended by me unless you are part of the American Air-Force or know someone in the American Air-Force. That's all for now folks, have a great New Year!

Monday, November 7, 2011


Hello dear readers. I am so sorry that it has been so long since my last post. Well anyway, today's post is not a review, but a recommendation. What I am recommending is a wonderful podcast, which is about, you guessed it, comics! There are well over 1000 episodes, and you can find all of them at Enjoy!