Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Review of Batman: The Dark Knight Returns

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, a story of the dark side of a superhero. Written and drawn by Frank Miller, Batman Dark Knight Returns tells the story of a retired Batman who comes back to the world of crime fighting after ten years of retirement. Batman faces off against the Mutant gang, the Joker, and the Mutants deadly leader. Ironically, Batman's greatest problem is none of these, but Superman. Also, Batman takes in a young girl as the new Robin. To be honest, I love this book, but the sequel (Batman Dark Knight Strikes Again) stunk. I couldn't even read the first 20 pages. I would recommend Batman Dark Knight Returns to fans of Frank Miller and to fans of Batman.

1 comment:

  1. Another landmark book, marred by its sequel. You're right: DARK KNIGHT STRIKES BACK was unreadable. Like you, I gave it a try and tossed it aside. Then I went back and reread the first DARK KNIGHT to get the taste of the sequel out of my system.
